Sunday, August 16, 2009

Significance of Fiber in Hemorrhoids Treatment

Hemorrhoids can be a very disturbing and distressing situation. It is usually recognized by swelling, itching and inflammation of blood vessels in the rectal and anal area. It can be actually referred to cushions of tissue which join the rectum and the anus.

In most of the cases, hemorrhoids are primarily caused by inflammation and swelling of blood vessels resulting from constipation. Foods and wastes generally get stuck in your bowel and create a blockage. When your bowel is blocked, you develop a strain on the vessels in your rectum. Now the key reason behind constipation is more related to poor or reduced diet. Ultimately, you can treat constipation and hemorrhoids, by making changes to the food that you consume.

The best way to treat hemorrhoids can be changing your diet and eat more foods that are high in fiber. Fiber is the most central element in diet that naturally helps to encourage digestion and move foods through your body. Having a diet rich in fiber can very useful for the effective treatment of hemorrhoids as it soften the bowel movement and provides relief from internal hemorrhoids.

There are two important forms of fiber, namely Soluble and Insoluble. These fibers in your food diet can prevent the development of Hemroids if taken regularly. The main reason of adding the fiber in your diet is it helps in cleaning the walls of the bowel so results in keeping it neat and tidy. If the walls get blocked, for one reason or the other, one has to exert more pressure while passing fecal matter. In addition to this, the most important point to be noted is that - fiber consists of particles that the human stomach cannot digest, so the same particles come out after cleaning the walls of the intestines.

Fresh and green vegetables are great sources of fiber and consequently the addition of vegetables in our daily meals helps in proper digestion and guards against Hemroids. The various vegetables that are fibrous are carrots, green peas, broccoli and mushrooms. At least one of these vegetables must be included in our every day meals if we want to prevent the danger of developing Hemroids. Fiber is also present in fresh fruits and whole grain products. Fruits should normally be consumed along with their skin as this is also a rich source of fiber. You should note that fiber is present only in foods of plant origin, while meat and dairy products contain no fiber. You can even try for whole grains which are also a major source of fiber and commonly found in breads and cereal.

Looking at the present scenario, making a diet rich in fiber is a natural hemroids treatment that can help reduce your itching, bleeding and embarrassment. This form of treatment is totally free from any pain and is very effective in eliminating hemorrhoids. In addition, the best thing about taking diet rich in fiber is that you also benefit from increased energy, a stronger immune system and prevention of diseases. Certainly the benefits of eating a high fiber diet are enormous. It not only helps you feel better but increases the chance of treating hemorrhoids fast and naturally.

Know how hemorrhoids prevent from fibrous diet and how Hemroids are an ill-fated condition which occurs when intense pressure is placed on the anal canal causing the veins to swell. Hemorrhoids are not life threatening and can be easily cured through different natural and home remedies. Learn here how having a fiber rich diet can help you in curing hemorrhoids quickly and effectively.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Curing Hemorrhoids in 48 Hours at Home

Hemorrhoids are an ill-fated condition which occurs when intense pressure is placed on the anal canal causing the veins to swell. Hemorrhoids are not life threatening or dangerous but can be very painful. Most of the time the problems can be minor but at times it may turn to be more severe and can even require surgery. If you have severe pain or bleeding then it is always advisable to consult with your physician. However, knowing its symptoms at earlier stage can help in curing this problem much earlier and easier than people might think. There are various hemorrhoids self-treating methods that can be easily followed naturally in home. Here are few important tips that can in very beneficial in curing hemorrhoids naturally:

Change your lifestyle- It is important that you do not put any needless stress on the veins inside the anal cavity. This generally includes not sitting around for long duration of time and exercising frequently to improve bowel movements. When you need to relieve yourself, be sure to do so right away and not to strain.

Change your diet- Diet actually plays a very major part in curing hemorrhoids. A bad diet can make the situation worse. So the best and the simplest hemorrhoids home treatment methods can be making a change in your daily diet. You must stop or avoid too much of processed foods as this may be major cause harder stool and digestive problems. You must intake foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains as they soften your stool and improve your digestive system. Drink enough water every day, as it may treat your constipation naturally.

Use herbal remedies properly- The procedure of using herbal remedies is possibly one of the most effective hemorrhoids home treatment procedure to reduce swelling and inflammation. Most of the herbal remedies contain healing properties that in turn soothe the burning sensation around the rectal area. The best advantage of using herbal remedies is - it not just helps in curing hemorrhoid symptoms, but also ensures this problem doesn't happen again in the future. There several kinds of herbs like Emu Oil and Vitamin E Oil that you can use to cure this problem. Besides this, you may even use witch hazel in order to reduce the swelling and bleeding condition by applying three times a day.

Apart from all this, sitz bath treatment is also the great way to cure hemorrhoid. You can enjoy sitz bath by filling a tub with warm water and sit in there around ten to fifteen minutes, twice a day. Moreover, in order to get more better and quick result, you may also add some essential oils like - juniper, geranium or lavender.Though hemorrhoids are painful and uncomfortable, but it can be definitely cured or prevented. Neglecting it due to humiliation is not the good way to deal with the problem. By using natural and home hemorrhoid treatment effectively you can cure it by yourself at home. All you require to do is follow this simple steps or tips. These natural and self cures have been around for years and you can take advantage of them easily.

Know complete information about hemorrhoids and learn about hemroid cure easily and effectively at home.

Friday, June 19, 2009

How to Shrink Hemorrhoids Naturally and Effectively

A hemorrhoid is a vein that has enlarged with blood. It is a common condition when blood veins around the anus, rectal tunnel, or lower rectum gets swollen and inflamed. The pressure that causes this swelling may also result local inflammation of the vein, making it feel more itchy and throbbing. However, today there are various surgical and medical options for shrinking hemorrhoids, but there are also few natural and fast hemorrhoid treatment methods that one can try at home. So, if you are one of those who are suffering from this problem, don’t get embarrass. There is no need to get too embarrassed about the condition and end up ignoring it.

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, you may be questioning about how you can shrink them to find the relief. There are chances that it may cause or put your life on hold because the condition can be quite uncomfortable or painful. But fortunately, there are some simple and natural effective ways to shrink hemorrhoids that you can follow.

Here are few important tips that can help you in shrinking hemorrhoids naturally and effectively-

1. Do not Use Toilet Paper- One of the first and most important ways you can try to prevent the situation getting any bad is stop using toilet paper. This is because, the simple process of wiping with toilet paper may result a lot of rubbing and friction which can actually further deteriorate the situation. In addition, ensure that the toilet paper or wipes that you use is non-scented as the chemicals used can also aggravate hemorrhoids.

2. Apply Ice- Another most essential tip that you must take care is the simple usage of ice. Applying ice to hemorrhoids helps in reducing the blood flow which further result in shrinking. Moreover, you can even apply crushed or "shaved" ice twice or thrice daily for best results.

3. Applying Apple Cider Vinegar- This is another great way to cure hemorrhoids. This simple hemorrhoid treatment procedure helps to shrink the tissue. All you require to do is to just put apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and then apply it to the area two to three times a day. Within a week you will observe that the hemorrhoids have shrunk and you are no longer symptomatic.

4. Sitz Bath – Taking or having sitz bath are yet another great option. The way you require to take a sitz bath is – first fill a bath tub with warm water and then lower yourself into it. Ideally make sure you don’t put too much pressure on your hemorrhoids. As a result avoid sitting down entirely. Moreover crouching is sometimes a good option. However, you must note that try to take a sitz bath either in the morning when you wake up or at night before you go to bed for best results.

5. Simple Bath- Taking a bath two or three times a day for 15 minutes will help you shrink hemorrhoids tissue. It is simple and very affective method. Moreover, it’s even better if you bath and then go to bed and stay in bed for one day, if you have the time for this.

Though most hemorrhoids heal on their own in a week or two but it still have a tendency to return unless something is done to prevent them. So it’s very important to know how to shrink hemorrhoids and these above mentioned tips are quite effective and can be very useful.

Know complete information about hemorrhoids and learn yourself how to shrink hemroids easily and effectively at home.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Getting Hemorrhoids Relief at Home

Hemorrhoids can be defined as a common condition when blood veins around the anus, rectal tunnel, or lower rectum gets swollen and inflamed. Sometimes, it is also known as piles and is associated with pain, itching and bleeding. The condition is common in all age groups but the major suffers of this problem are women during pregnancy. However, for most women, hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy are a temporary problem.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

There are various reasons that cause Hemroids. Some of the major causes are:

1. Constant Sitting- Now when you spend most of your time in sitting position, you put pressure upon the anal cavity and veins. Add to that you are also sweating. The combination of both of these factors actually leads to hemroids and irritation because of the swelling and moisture from sweat.
2. Obesity- Overweight can be yet another reason for hemorrhoids. Generally when you are overweight the pressure gets exerted upon the anal veins during bowel movements and sitting. But as these veins are not especially strong gets easily irritated or strained.
3. Straining and Pressure- The hard bowel movements are the prime reason of strain put on the veins. When you have to strain too hard during your bowel movements you push the hemorrhoidal vein. Strain upon the hemorrhoidal vein further leads increased blood flow into the vein that further results it to swell.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Surprisingly, today there are countless people who suffer from the hemorrhoids condition. In recent years, studies have shown that more than 40 percent of adults experience hemroids in their lives. Today there are few home remedies that can help you cure hemroids with natural treatment.

For fast hemorrhoid relief at home using different types of hemorrhoids treatment methods can do the trick. Here are some natural ways and fast hemroids relief, that you can follow –

• You can mix sliced onion and honey, and put some on a cotton wool pad and finally apply the mixture on the hemorrhoids for 3 hours.
• You can even apply organic apple cider vinegar to a cotton ball and apply directly on the hemroids for few minutes daily.
• You can even apply olive oil directly to the hemroids. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
• You can also warm a spoonful of lard. Once it gets warm, mix it with about a teaspoon of Calomel and then put it on a cloth and apply to the hemorrhoid.
• Drink 1 spoon of olive oil every morning. This can be the simplest and easiest way to overcome from hemroids.
• You can prepare the mixture of 1 table-spoon of Vaseline with 1 teaspoon of Flowers of Sulfur. Once the mixture is ready, smear it on the hemorrhoids 2-3 times a day.

Hemorrhoids are not a major medical condition, but should be treated as soon as possible.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Constipation and Hemorrhoids

Swollen anal walls and veins, lumps and small swellings, irritation and itching, a protruding anal tissue, obstructed anus – as painful as they may sound, these are actually symptoms of a medical condition: hemroids or hemorrhoids.

Read on to find out more about the causes, relief methods, treatments and how it relates to another medical condition which is constipation.

Hemroid Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Did you know that about 50% of the population are currently suffering from, or have previously suffered from hemorrhoids? This condition is more common than you think and it is the following individuals who are particularly susceptible:

• Hard laborers
• Long distance drivers
• Office workers
• Overweight individuals
• Pregnant women
• Weight lifters

This type of a medical condition appears as tiny lumps on the lower part of the rectum, which is a result of a swelling of the veins. There are two types of hemroids: internal and external.

The internal condition appears inside the anus and the lower rectum. On the other hand, the external condition appears as a small swelling which can be visibly seen on the opening of the anus.

So what exactly is the root cause of this medical condition? Basically, they occur because the veins around the rectum become distended as a result of lack of support from other tissues.

Hemroid and Constipation

If a person lacks fiber in his or her diet, constipation is most likely to occur. Constipation is actually the most common cause of hemorrhoids because this health condition makes it difficult for stool to pass through the body.

Hemroids Relief

Remember that hemorrhoid is a medical condition which is found in almost 50% of the population. As such, it is a must to know what early hemorrhoid symptoms you should watch out for.

It is also a good idea to immediately know about the possible treatment and relief products you can use. If you are looking for the ultimate remedy against this medical condition, one of the best products in the market today is Venapro.

This is one of the most effective over-the-counter treatments for hemorrhoid symptoms. There's no prescription needed, it has no side effects and Venapro has 100% permanent healing effect on hemroids – so check out the website and learn more about the product now!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Hemorrhoids - Important Information One Must Know

Hemorrhoids or Hemroids are sometimes referred to as piles. These are small lumps or swellings in a person's anus and in the areas surrounding it. Hemorrhoids are usually the product of too much pressure in the anus. It can happen to anyone without bias as to gender or age.

What are the effects of hemorrhoids?

Like any disease, at the onset, hemorrhoids are far from deadly but if left untreated it can also lead to more serious health problems. Its effects are also be far reaching and can severely affect the normal functioning of the individual.

Hemorrhoids can have the following effects:

* Physical pain such and discomfort because of the difficulty in passing stool and because of irritation.
* Psychological pain brought about by the discomfort
* Social stigma

Hemorrhoids symptoms

Hemorrhoids usually have the following manifestations:

* Prevalence of irritation in the rectum
* Appearance of swelling in the anal area.
* Stools are hard and dry making it difficult to pass out.
* There is sometimes irritation in the rectum.
* Stools are sometimes stained with blood.
* In the advanced stages, lumps can already be observed in the anus.

Causes of hemorrhoids

There are a number of studies pointing out that hemorrhoids are products of an interplay of a person's lifestyle, eating habits and work. Here are the usual hemroids causes:

* Poor bowel movement. Individuals who do not do regular bowel movements are prone to have hemorrhoids.
* Eating patterns such as when individuals eat less fiber.
* Pregnancy
* Workplace such as temperature, prolonged sitting or lifting heavy objects
* No physical exercise
* Obesity

Precautions for Hemorrhoids

It may be daunting to hear all of these things about hemorrhoids. As the doctors always say, prevention is better than cure. Although hemorrhoids is a condition that can easily be treated, it always pay to do preventive measure so we can avoid the hassle. Here are some recommendations:

* Getting a regular dose of physical exercise. This is the most basic precautionary measure for hemorrhoids.
* Fibrous diet. Eating foods that are rich in fiber helps in flushing out stool easily in the rectum avoiding too much pressure in the anal walls.
* Drinking plenty of fluids. The water will help out to soften the stools so the individual will not have difficulty in excreting them. If the stools are soft, there will be less pressure in the anus.
* Have a regular defecation schedule. Condition yourself to do defecation in certain hours of the day such as in the morning.
* Avoid lifting heavy items as this strains the anus.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Best way to find Effective Hemorrhoids Creams

Hemroids is a painful disease and now a days around 40% to 50% of people are suffering from it. It is prominent among all age groups and also known as Piles. The main cause of hemorrhoids is swelling of rectum veins. Generally most of us have normal hemorrhoids which do not require any treatment but when it grows more than normal then medical treatments become necessary. Hemorrhoids can cause discomfort, pain due to bleeding, itching and social embarrassment. The most common symptoms of hemorrhoids are bleeding, Inflammation in the anus and strained bowel movement. Hemroids requires proper treatments other wise in some cases it can be a serious health problems.

Types of Hemorrhoids

There are two types of hemorrhoids - External and internal hemorrhoids which symptoms are different. External hemorrhoids appear outside the anus and can be easily identified form bleeding. Internal hemorrhoids appears outside the rectum and generally difficult to identify. Some times bleeding while passing stool may be symptoms of internal hemroids.

Treatment Methods

There are many methods of treating hemorrhoids such as injection therapy, surgery and use of hemroid drugs and creams. Amongst all these, hemroids cream is most easy, effective and painless treatment in most situations. It provides relief from pain and reduces swelling and shrink in short period of time.

Hemorrhoids cream are generally used in external hemorrhoids but in some cases it can be also used in internal hemorrhoids. The best creams are that which can provide quick and permanent relief. The most common ingredient in hemroids treatments creams are petroleum jelly, glycerin, cocoa butter, benzocaine, pramoxine, benzyl alcohol, dibucaine, dyclonine etc.

Hemroids cream is a common product of pharmacy. Some cream products are sold in local market that cannot provide proper treatment and in some cases it can be very harmful for sufferers. So it is a common question that how to find the best and effective hemorrhoids creams which contain active ingredients mentioned above and one can easily identify that whether active ingredients are included in creams or not by looking on information panel, usually back sides of medication packaging.

Some of the effective and popular hemroids creams are available on the internet also. One can get all the desired information about the product and review the feedbacks of the users of the cream. This could be the best way to find effective hemroids creams online.

More information about effective hemroids creams can be found though different forums. Any one can participate in forums, ask question about creams and treatments and can find more information about good creams. Also effective creams can be found by product search web sites.

Medical practitioners and doctors can also suggest the effective hemroids creams on the basis of symptoms and ingredients of creams. So don’t worry if you are a hemorrhoids sufferer, in most situations by easy hemroids cream treatments, you can be free from this painful disease.